JJs Auto Clinic
Tuesday 27 March 2018

April is National Care Care Month
Save Money with JJ's Auto

Posted by at 7:52 AM

This annual event gears us up to remember the importance of “Preventative Maintenance.” A survey of ASE-certified technicians found that most neglected maintenance items are cooling systems, transmissions, brakes, power steering fluid service and oil changes. And since it’s never safe to gamble when it comes to your vehicle—we’ll help you maintain your vehicle’s value and dependability by offering the following Car Care Special:

Have any two of these
services performed &
get a Free Oil Change!
A $24.99 value

Royal Flush
'Pick Any Flush'

Cooling System, Transmission, Break System, OR Power Steering

$20.00 OFF
for most vehicles

Carbon Clean Service

Motor Vac fuel injection service cleans complete fuel system for better gas mileage.

A $99.95 value for most vehivles
NOW ONLY $79.95

Alignment Maintenance Special

A computerized 4-Wheel Toe Alignment
Test Drive Behicle to ensure properly aligned
Check front end for loose or damaged parts

Free Vehicle Inspection 52-Points

A $99.95 value for most vehivles
NOW ONLY $79.95

Call us today at (920) 833-9936
to schedule your reservation.

We Look Forward To Seeing You Soon!

Just remember to bring this coupon when you come in for service.