Personalized Process The first step in our repair process is listening to you and make sure we understand the concerns you are having about your auto. The experience and training we have allows us to ask questions to help pinpoint the problem. Often, the problem may not be what you think it is, or have been told it is. Being able to pinpoint the problem quickly can save you lots of time and money. When you drop off your car, we get to start our unique, personalized process: - Our service writer will ask you questions, write down what you are experiencing- paying close attention to details. The more information we can gather from you, such as when the car acts up (what speed, temperature, first starting up, etc…), the faster, easier, and less expensive the repairs are likely to be. We want auto repair to be an interactive experience.
- Next, the Service Writer will assign your car or truck to one of our technicians, based on their areas of expertise.
- he technician will test drive your car or truck – sometimes taking you along to verify a noise or specific condition – to verify your concern and make sure we know what we are trying to remedy. Even if your car is just in for a routine oil change, we still road test it to make sure the automobile handles properly and the brakes are operating normally. The technician will also listen for abnormal noises and make note of anything that needs attention.
- Then, we begin our complete 52 point inspection process. We inspect the automobile from bumper to bumper. This process prevents anything from being overlooked, causing you have to visit again for another concern. As we go over the complete inspection, we rank the areas needing attention with a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being something to keep an eye on, to 5 being something that needs attention immediately.
- After inspecting your automobile, we will contact you before we begin the repair process. We’ll make sure to reach you before we start any repair to explain what needs attention and why.
- We won’t begin the repair process until we’ve thoroughly explained the repair, and you understand what is going to be repaired, and the costs associated with the repair. (In certain cases, to save time, we will pre-order any necessary parts ahead of time, when the repair is approved, and only then, will we proceed.) This saves us both tons of time. By ordering parts ahead of time, we are more efficient than others in our industry, and we can complete 99% of our repair work in one day.
- Once the repair is approved, we will set an estimated time of completion for your automobile.
- When your automobile is repaired, a different member of our team will do a quality control inspection to make sure your auto repair or maintenance has been completed correctly. Then, we will contact you to let you know it is ready. We can make arrangements if you are unable to pick up your auto during normal business hours. Our business hours are 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
When the repair has been finished, we back it up with a 3 year 36,000 mile warranty! We often times will call you after your automobile has been picked up to make sure the repair experience meets, or hopefully exceeds, your expectations. Since 1996 JJ’s Auto has served the Seymour community. Since 2007 they have been servicing the Neenah area with the same great service the Seymour community has come to expect.